Alla bilder jag laddat upp på Instagram finns samlade här. Jag använder inte sociala medier längre, men ville spara bilderna. Har sen fortsatt att lägga till bilder för att göra en tidslinje. Men det slutade jag med 31/10 2023. Vill du se och läsa om något särskilt är det menyn eller det gula sökfältet längst ner på alla sidor den enklaste vägen.
2022-08-27 KÖKSTRÄDGÅRDEN GRUSAD – har tagit mig flera månader, men nu är det första lagret på plats.
2022-06-30 MIRADOURO AMEIXIAL 🇵🇹Drove a road today I have been wanting for a long time. The N2 from Almodôvar to Faro. Found a swing with a view again :)
2022-06-29 INTERIOR WORK Bought this a couple of weeks ago, today I put it and some family frames on the walls. Like it a lot!
2022-06-25 ALENTEJO 🇵🇹A short road trip in our own region with the most fantastic views, as always. Countryside, tranquility, rolling hills with agriculture and golden fields is just breathtaking, every time.
2022-06-23 GLUTEN FREE BREAD with ZUCCHINI I don’t eat gluten but love bread. Yesterday I made a dough with zucchini, oatmeal, potato flour, yeast and buck wheat flour and let it ferment in the fridge during the night.
2022-06-19 BARRAGEM DO MONTE DA ROCHA Wonder if we ever will experience a lot of water in the reservoirs. It’s beautiful nevertheless but the drought is severe in the whole country
2022-06-07 SUNFLOWERS & POPPIES Two of my favourite flowers. Now in full bloom in my garden, adding lovely colours and attract the pollinators.
2022-05-31 LIFE 🇵🇹Took the bikes for a spin today. After a visit at neighbours house we went on to unbeaten tracks and finally ended up in the village for an ice cream.