f.d Instagram

Alla bilder jag laddat upp på Instagram finns samlade här. Jag använder inte sociala medier längre, men ville spara bilderna. Har sen fortsatt att lägga till bilder för att göra en tidslinje. Men det slutade jag med 31/10 2023. Vill du se och läsa om något särskilt är det menyn eller det gula sökfältet längst ner på alla sidor den enklaste vägen.


2021-05-17 M O R N I N G V I E W 🇵🇹🚐Easy to stay a bit longer in bed in the morning with this view. We have windows in the back doors of our van and I love them. They give light, air and views! So good morning to you all, I am still laying in bed and listening to the birds, watching the wind in the olive trees and waiting for the breakfast to be ready. A great start of the week!


2021-05-12 O U R H O U S E 🇵🇹 Another angle of our house. The balcony towards the east will most certainly be the favourite spot for rest. We will put two very comfortable chairs there, so we can enjoy the peace and beauty of our views.


2021-05-10 C A C T U S I N A P O TThis beauty was a very nice surprice! In one of the pots left by the previous owner I just saw a nice cactus, which I have taken as good care of as I can. But now rewarded with this most lovely flower .. and there are more coming.


2021-05-07 V E G A I S F U L L ! After a day at IKEA, Lidl and LeroyMerlin in Algarve we are now on our way home, with the space under our beds packed with bags. Even our beds are carrying the load today. A shower wall in one bed and a wheelbarrow in the other. On Sunday We can shower inside the house!


2021-05-05 R A I S E D B E D S 🇵🇹I have found soil/compost and bought 13 ton! Have also found and bought some wood to build raised beds. When we are waiting for others and some things we need before we can continue inside @roger_on_wheels made two beds (to start with) and I am filling them up. Was not meant to do this now but hey why not? All pieces fell together and we can grow more food!


2021-05-01 O U R N E I G H B O U R H O O DOn my way back to our house from the waste bin I had to walk really slow – I love our views from our house but the entire neighbourhood is breathtaking. So happy to be here! Here in Portugal the bins for waste is public. Not as in Sweden where every household has their own bin.


2021-04-28 B A T H R O O MThe roof and walls are done. Now it’s time for the tiles on the floor, a work that needs patience and precision due to different factors. But If we are lucky maybe we will be able to take a shower and use the toilet here next weekend! 💃🚿🚰🚽🧻🎉


2021-04-26 R E D G O L D Strawberries are one of the most delicious fruits/berries. In my opinion. These are not from our own garden, but from 🇵🇹 at least. Next year I hope our own strawberries give us a lot of tasty pleasure. What is the most delicious fruit/berry in your opinion? #strawberries #strawberrywithwhippedcream #primavera2021 #lanche


2021-04-23 O U R H O U S E 🇵🇹When dreams come true it can look like this. It still feels overwhelming that we finally found our spot in Portugal. We knew we wanted a home in a better climate than what Sweden can offer but we didn’t know where. We searched and planned for several years but all roads ended in Portugal. So here we finally are, renovating and hope to move in in June.


2021-04-20 M O R N I N G S U N 🇵🇹🙏🏼 Love the morning sun. The best place for breakfast is behind Vega where the view gives me energy and awww 🥰


2021-04-18 P L E N T Y O F W E E D SSo happy that a lot of the weeds have beautiful flowers. Because I don’t remove the weeds other than in my veggie beds. Why? Because I don’t have the material (compost) to make more beds right now for growing “right” stuff. So letting the garden grow and bloom as it wishes. Eventually it all will be golden since I don’t water the areas where I haven’t planted food.


2021-04-16 S L O W L Y B U T F O R W A R DMany years since we did some tiling but I must say @roger_on_wheels is a champ! No walls are straight so the first row took many hours, but now it’s moving faster. One day we will have a bathroom :)


2021-04-13 L E F T O V E R SEarlier in life I hated leftovers , now I love it! It’s like having a buffet of food and just pick what suits us. Here it’s salad, peppermint and spinach from the garden. Feta cheese whipped with creme fraiche. Broccoli in soya and olive oil and pickled red union. And carrots. Finally some thin sliced potatoes in the pan with oil. This is so delicious, and still it’s leftovers from three other dinners.


2021-04-10 F O R S A L E Love to make decisions, to actively decide about our life. We no longer want to travel with Vega the van. Many reasons, you can read all about it in our blog. Link in bio.Vega is a lovely van with a lot of features, perfect for a comfortable exploring life on the road. She have Swedish plates but we would like to sell her here in Portugal.


2021-04-06 W A R M D A Y 🇵🇹It’s been warm and lovely a number of days. In the middle of the day I like to relax in the shadow. Our black van is not as hot as you may think. Our white motorhome #frankieboy was warmer actually. But prefer to be outside and then the Swedish flag is super to make some shadow.


2021-04-03 E D I B L E G A R D E N 🇵🇹 Morning stroll in the garden with the camera. There is so much to learn about the soil and the climate in the garden and Portugal. So much to do – but mostly so much joy. To see the seeds develop and eventually become food. Wow that takes my breath away. I wish I’ve realised this back in the days when I had my first garden, to grow food instead of trying to have a nice lawn. But I guess I need to evolve in my own pace.


2021-03-31 C R O P B R O A D B E A N SFirst crop of the broad beans. Have a lot and never tasted them before. These first ones I will boil and eat with butter and salt.What do you do with your broad beans?


2021-03-30 S T A T U SThis is how the floors look like right now. Rogers job is to remove them from the fix. My job is to get them out of the house. Soon the demolition work is done, so we can focus on the fun parts. To make it feel as ours :)


2021-03-26 T A C O F R I D A Y Love tacos in all different ways. Tonight lentils with a lot of spices, corn and jalapeños fried with butter, thanks to @libertysowner, red onion, pineapple and cheese. All tacos are good tacos! What’s your favourite topping for tacos? Inspire us :)


2021-03-22 F L O W E R S F R U I T T R E E SQuince and plum is in full blom, the whole garden is buzzing from bees and bumblebees 🐝. We have approx 20-23° C degrees during the day and the sun is shining from a blue sky.


2021-03-20 T H I S I S M Y W E E K E N DThe service house for the new heatingsystem is built. My job is to paint it on the inside before the company installing the solar panels, heat pump and warm water tank is coming on Monday. Unfortunately I always paint myself a lot also. And drip paint on my clothes. But it is water based paint so it is rather easy to remove at least from the skin. What do you do this weekend?


2021-03-18 T H E L I T T L E T H I N G S Coffee, sun and a nice view in the best company. It hasn’t soaked in yet that this is our place. We are so fortunate and grateful. Different cups, old plastic stools as table and camping chairs all placed on the cracked concrete at our southern wall of the house. It doesn’t matter. At all. Because we are at our happy place, doing things that makes us happier. And we are together. We appreciate the the important things more now then we have ever done before. 🇵🇹😍


2021-03-15 N E I G H B O U R S 🇵🇹Visited our neighbours in the sunset yesterday. These geese live in a big field together with chickens. Well taken care of by our builder, who is a man with many skills. We went back home with 30 eggs and three plants from the garden. Everyone is so friendly here!


2021-03-13 D A I L Y L I F E Renovation mode. Everything looks like a mess. But it goes really well and our builder is brilliant, fast, reliable and affordable. Doing a lot of the work ourselves but stone/cement/concrete, electricity and plumbing we need help with. We are happy and excited!

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